My talent is the ability to contort my face into some of the most horrific and grotesque expressions for my own amusement. Many a time have I been in a terrible mood, and I do my Conehead Demon face, and my day is instantly better.
So this is me, and a few of my friends who share this amazing talent, making faces.
Enjoy. I know I will.
My BFF Kelli and I at our finest.
Just channeling some Chris Farley for ya!
Why...hello there...
As if Pig Faced Joe got socked in the snout.
Mmmm Hmmm.
Try and contain yourselves.
Look at those chins multiply!
If you are wondering why tattoos are sprouting out of my...bosom...we were at a white trash themed 21st birthday. It seemed appropriate.
And Jordan wanted in on the fun!
Photobombin it up!
I am going to eat your soul.
I only surround myself with the best.
I did not know anyones nose could twist that way.
And Jesse showing his true talents!
Jesse just lovin on some creeper Jordan.
Jordan and his classy as hell girlfriend Tori
We like to do weird things.
Aww my dear friend Shane.
Now children, note how her irises COMPLETELY disappear.
Kelli and I are lame in this one, the true gem is the child molester in the backseat. The more you look, the funnier it gets.
Shane approves.
I woke up to this in a text message from my dear friend/coworker Amy.
Must...withhold...inappropriate...subtitle..ahh screw it. Shane's O-face.
I especially enjoy the triangular face effect here.
Amy's best impression of a chipmunk.
And now she brings out her inner neanderthal!
My personal favorite.
You're welcome.
Ohh herro.
Legit rolled around on my bed maniacally laughing after this one.
Notice the two teeth showing.
Imagine loud Beevis-breathing with this one.
Why yes, I am capable of tucking my chin into my neck, making it disappear.
This is the "I find you attractive and shall now be awkward around you" face.
Kelli just noms on my ear.
Welp. There you have it. If any of you feel the need to send me some gnarly pics of yourselves (no nudes please. That's not how I roll. Don't make this weird.) I will post them on here if I feel they are up to par. Good night, and big balls.
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