Sunday, January 20, 2013

It's meeeeeee!

So, here's the thing. I think I am damn funny. Not quite sure if anyone else does. This blog is going to be about me thinking I am hilarious, and telling hilarious, awkward, awesome, amazing stories from my suuuuuper rad life. (Sarcasm on the suuuuper rad part of that sentence.) I am a member of the LDS church, (or Mormon to those of you not from good ol' Utah) but, as you can tell, I have a bit of a language issue. Oops. #sorryimnotsorry. I like to take naps. LOOOOOONG naps. None of this "20 minute power nap" bullshit. I absolutely hate being cold. This whole 4 degrees thing we have been dealing with for the past month or so? Yeah I'm not having it. I don't know what it is, but I'm not quite a fan of having my snot freeze INSIDE of my nose. I'm a poor college student. I have recently found a great diet, gauranteed to help you lose weight. It's called, I only have 17 cents in my bank account for the next week and a half, so I can't buy food. Thus, living off of Ramen noodles. I have 2 sisters, one married, one not, and I am right smack in the middle of them. #middlechildsyndrome. I think that is enough background info on me, and I'm semi bored with typing now. Until next time, my furry friends.

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